  • 1 # 羽諾池唯

    美句摘抄:1.“該來的總歸會來,一旦它來了,你就必須勇敢地去面對。”——海格2.“我不過是死讀書,再靠一點兒小聰明,還有更多重要的東西——友誼和勇氣” ——赫敏3.“我知道,對你這樣年紀輕輕的人來說,這似乎有些不可思議;但是對尼可和佩雷納爾來說,死亡實際就像是經過漫長的一天之後,終於可以上床休息了。而且,對於頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。你知道,魔法石其實並不是多麼美妙的東西,有了它,不論你想要擁有多少財富,獲得多長壽命,都可以如願以償!這兩樣東西是人類最想要的――問題是,人類偏偏就喜歡選擇對他們最沒有好處的東西。” ——鄧布利多  4. “勇氣有很多種類,對付敵人我們需要超人的膽量,而要在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,同樣也需要很大的勇氣。” ——鄧布利多  5.“真相是一種美麗又可怕的東西,需要格外謹慎地對待.” ——鄧布利多  6.“沉湎於虛幻的夢想,而忘記現實的生活,這是毫無益處的。” ——鄧布利多  7. “有一種感情永遠不會消失,那就是愛”——鄧布利多  8. “暫時使疼痛變得麻木,只會使你最後感覺疼痛時疼的更加厲害。”——鄧布利多  9.“對事物永遠都使用正確的稱呼。對一個名稱的恐懼,會強化對這個事物本身的恐懼。” ——鄧布利多  10.“被這樣一個人深深愛過,儘管愛我們的人已經死了,也會給我們留下一個永遠的護身符。他就藏在你的面板裡。”——鄧布利多人生哲理  1. Everyone has a gift, even the person you think is a total bum. Look at what Harry’s aunt and uncle ended up discovering about him!  每個人都有天賦,甚至是那些你認為非常吊兒郎當的人。看看哈利的姨夫姨媽,他們最終發現了他的了不起之處。  2. Revenge tends to only make you look bad. Harry may at times have tried to get his icky cousin into trouble, but it always backfired.  復仇只會讓你自取其辱。哈利有時試圖讓他煩人的表哥惹上麻煩,但總是適得其反。  3. People may be following your progress (or your example) even if you don’t know it. Harry had no idea that so many people were interested in how he was doing before he headed out to Hogwarts for the first time.  即便你現在不知道,說不定以後很多人會跟隨你的腳步(或視你為榜樣)。哈利來到霍格沃茲之前根本不知道會有那麼多人對他感興趣  4. Fame may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Harry Potter arrived at Hogwarts with a reputation already in place. While it may have paid off in some ways, it also attracted the envy and negative attention of boys like Malfoy.  名氣不一定引致讚揚。哈利來到霍格沃茲時,他在魔法世界早已名聲大振了。但這會有不同的效果,比如這也招來了像馬爾福這樣的人的嫉妒。  5. People are complicated and it’s difficult to see all of their soul in one fell swoop. At first, Hermione seemed like a very uptight show-off. It took a long time for Harry and others to see what a good heart she had.  人是複雜的,一時間很難了解一個人的全部品質。最初,赫敏似乎很愛炫耀自己的聰明。哈利和其他人很久才發現她其實是個很好的人。  6. It’s easy to be a rival. It’s difficult to be a compassionate rival.  做別人的敵人很容易,做一個有同情心的敵人卻不容易。  7. Things are seldom as they appear. Hagrid seemed big and scary and his pets often seemed quite monstrous, but in fact Hagrid was one of the most trustworthy people at the school, and his pets were loving creatures.  人和事不都是他們表面上的那樣。海格又高大又嚇人,他的寵物都是些怪獸,但實際上他是哈利在學校最值得信任的朋友,他的寵物其實也都挺可愛的。  8. Alliances are important. There are a lot of alliances throughout the Harry Potter story. People create alliances for strength or to change the way things are.  盟友是重要的。在哈利·波特的故事裡有許多種不同的盟友。人們是為了壯大力量或者改變事物而結盟的。  9. Alliances can be dangerous. When you are allies with a group of people, your fates are intertwined. You are sharing your vulnerable spots, and it’s easy for things to go awry. That is not to say you should avoid alliances, but you must choose carefully to avoid harm.  盟友可能是危險的,當你和一群人結為盟友後,你們的命運就被纏繞在一起。與此同時,你也在暴露你的弱點,這就使得很多東西容易離你而去。這並不是說你不應該和別人結盟,但是你必須認真選擇盟友以免被傷害。  10. Sometimes danger comes from the corner where your closest friends are.  有時候,危險來自於你最親密的朋友那裡。

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