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    最愛的詩人,最愛的集子。摘一些喜歡的句子,致生命之真摯真誠。I have had my invitation to this world"s festival, and thus my life has been blessed. 我接到這世界節日的請柬,我的生命受了祝福。

    Early in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat, only thou and I, and never a soul in the world would know of this our pilgrimage to no country and to no end.


    In the meanwhile I smile and I sing all alone. In the meanwhile the air is filling with the perfume of promise.


    The time that my journey takes is long and the way of it long.I came out on the chariot of the first gleam of light, and pursued my voyage through the wildernesses of worlds leaving my track on many a star and planet.


    Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with love.



    If the day is done, if birds sing no more, if the wind has flagged tired, then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me, even as thou hast wrapt the earth with the coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed the petals of the drooping lotus at dusk.

    From the traveller, whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended, whose garment is torn and dustladen, whose strength is exhausted, remove shame and poverty, and renew his life like a flower under the cover of thy kindly night.

    假如一天已經過去了,鳥兒也不歌唱,假如風也吹倦了,那就用黑暗的厚幕把我蓋上罷,如同你在黃昏時節用睡眠的衾被裹上大地,又輕柔地將睡蓮的花瓣合上。 旅客的行程未達,糧袋已空,衣裳破裂汙損,而又筋疲力盡,你解除了他的羞澀與困窘,使他的生命像花朵一樣在仁慈的夜幕下甦醒。

    When grace is lost from life, come with a burst of song.當生命失去恩寵,請惠我以歡歌。 I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost, and life will take its leave in silence, drawing the last curtain over my eyes.Yet stars will watch at night, and morning rise as before, and hours heave like sea waves casting up pleasures and pains.When I think of this end of my moments, the barrier of the moments breaks and I see by the light of death thy world with its careless treasures. Rare is its lowliest seat, rare is its meanest of lives.Things that I longed for in vain and things that I got---let them pass. Let me but truly possess the things that I ever spurned and overlooked.



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