  • 1 # faamy7099

    i had a happy day on New Year"s day.In the erly morning,my father and me went to climb a moutain,my father told me that i should take more exercise to keep healthy.i felt so tired but quite happy.after lunch ,i wacthed a cartoon movie with my best friend liming,the movie was call ,the small lion bacame a hero in the end.in the evening, i ate dinner with my parents ,my mom cook lots of delicious food that day.how happy was i !這個元旦我過的很開心。早上,我跟我的爸爸去了爬上,我爸爸說我應該要多做運動來保持身體健康,我覺得很累,但是還是很開心的。午餐過後,我跟我的好朋友黎明看了一場卡通電影,電影的名叫《獅子王》。小獅子最後變成了真正的獅子王。晚上,我跟我的父母一起吃晚飯,媽媽煮了很多美味的菜餚。我好開心哦

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