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    bulge bracket



    n. (美國紐約) 華爾街投資銀行領導集團;


    These were the hallmarks of JP Morgan ( JPM) as a world-beater, largely immune to the troubles of its bulge bracket peers.


    It is a craft industry, hitherto small and private, that is increasingly dominated by a few bulge bracket firms, which are growing and turning global.


    In future, familiar terms such as the bulge bracket, the tag for elite US investment banks, will need to be redefined, end-of-year league tables will have a different look and clients and executives will need to adjust to new ground rules.

    未來,bulge bracket(大型投行美國精英投行的標籤)等人們熟悉的名稱需要重新定義,年終排行榜將改頭換面,而客戶和管理層需要適應新的基本規則。

  • 2 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    bulge bracket英[bʌldʒ ˈbrækit]美[bʌldʒ ˈbrækɪt]n. (美國紐約) 華爾街投資銀行領導集團;雙語例句

    These were the hallmarks of JP Morgan ( JPM) as a world-beater, largely immune to the troubles of its bulge bracket peers.這些就是摩根大通身上世界無敵的標識,也使得它基本上不受大批同行所面臨的問題困擾。It is a craft industry, hitherto small and private, that is increasingly dominated by a few bulge bracket firms, which are growing and turning global.這個迄今規模不大、私人所有的作坊式行業,日益由少數幾個不斷髮展和走向國際化的大型投資銀行公司主導。In future, familiar terms such as the bulge bracket, the tag for elite US investment banks, will need to be redefined, end-of-year league tables will have a different look and clients and executives will need to adjust to new ground rules.未來,bulge bracket(大型投行美國精英投行的標籤)等人們熟悉的名稱需要重新定義,年終排行榜將改頭換面,而客戶和管理層需要適應新的基本規則。

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