  • 1 # 我很酷487


    1、Back to our previous discussion.

    2、Our discussion engrossed his attention.

    3、His speech evoked a heated discussion.

    4、The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel.

    5、He joined us in the discussion yesterday.

    6、It also has a meaty discussion forum.

    7、The question under discussion is significant.

    8、After her departure the others resumed the discussion.

    9、In our discussion this question was incidentally brought up.

    10、Engender a good two-way discussion of issues.

    11、These polarized views could slow down the discussion considerably.

    12、Language and discussion develop the intellect, she argues.

    13、In this case, the discussion should not be about agile development - that was our discussion ten years ago.

    14、Humor doesn"t dismiss a subject but rather often opens that subject up for discussion, especially when the subject is one that is not considered "fit" for public discussion.

    15、"There is going to be a very lively discussion within the party," said Scot Faulkner.

    16、In all this discussion, moreover, we h*e so far omitted a central consideration.

    17、But we face serious problems that demand very frank discussion and assessment.

    18、In order to keep this discussion focused, let me ignore all security aspects.

    19、The theme of our discussion was Europe in the 1980"s".

    20、This was partly because I believed that what stained a country’s “honor” was not the discussion of the black spots in its history but the impossibility of any discussion at all.

    21、If you are not acquainted with this material, refer to them first and then revisit this discussion.

    22、In one extended sequence there is an animated discussion of "Howl" "s relationship to Walt Whitman"s "Le*es of Grass."

    23、In the discussion threading service, an example of connected resource representations might include a root discussion topic and its attributes, and embed links to the responses given to that topic.

    24、Data security, retention, and management will be part of your standards discussion as well as programming conventions.

    25、CONGRESS may not be very good at passing budgets, but that is not for lack of discussion of them.

    26、Recently we h*e had a heated discussion on whether we can let off fireworks on Spring Festival or not.

    27、More generally, you can h*e a fruitful discussion about a topic only if it doesn"t engage the identities of any of the participants.

    28、How can anyone be faultless in what he says?How can every remark one makes in impromptu discussion be perfectly correct?

    29、He summarizes libertarianism, the meritocratic system, and the egalitarian theory. This leads to a discussion of the fairness of pay differentials in today"s society.

    30、To help illustrate the point, Mr. Bridle took the entry on the Iraq War and made physical books that illustrate the incredible discussion taking place in the background.

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