  • 1 # yfxvhgf

    蔬菜英語單詞是vegetables,讀音是英 [ˈvedʒtəblz]美 [vɛdʒtəblz]。詞彙分析單詞:vegetables音標:英 [ˈvedʒtəblz]美 [vɛdʒtəblz]釋義: 蔬菜,菜類短語hydroponic vegetables 水培蔬菜Dehydrated vegetables 脫水蔬菜 ; 菜乾Vegetables security 蔬菜安全organic vegetables 有機蔬菜Shanghai Vegetables 上海蔬菜例句1、Prices of fruit and vegetables have gone up. 水果和蔬菜的價格已經上漲了。2、These vegetables store in a wharehouse at temperatures below 20℃. 這些蔬菜貯藏在20攝氏度以下的倉庫裡。3、The rabbits have got out from their cages again, and are eating all the vegetables in the garden. 兔子又從籠子裡逃出來了,它們正在園子裡吃著所有的蔬菜。4、I made a stew with meat and vegetables. 我用肉和蔬菜燉了一道菜。5、I"ve been charged too much for these vegetables. 我買這些蔬菜,向我要的價太高了。

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