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     remember to do 與remember doing區別

    答:1、remember doing sth. 記得做過…事(已做過)

    remember to do sth.記住去做…事(還沒做)

    如:①I will remember to tell her about it.

    ②Don"t you remember telling me the story yesterday?

    2、forget doing sth. 忘記做過…事(已做)

    forget to do sth.忘記該做…事(還未做)

    如:①I forget writing that letter.

    ②I forget to bring the dictionary with me.

    3、stop doing sth. 停止做…事

    stop to do sth. 停下來做…事

    如:①We stopped talking so as not to frighten the animals.

    ②Journalists have to stop to work on another story.

    4、try doing sth. 試著去做…

    try to do sth. 努力做…

    ①You should try solving the matter.

    ②They should try to forget all about their past.

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