  • 1 # 選擇性失憶q4

    come and meet 和come and see 區別

    come and meet 過來見見


    Hey, Terry, come and meet my Dad.嗨,特里,來介紹你認識我爸爸。Come and meet my cousins, Professor Moore. I"m sure you"ll find you have a lot in common.請過來見見我的堂兄莫爾教授,我肯定你會現你與他有許多共同之處。Come and meet my cousins,Professor Moore. I"m sure you"ll find you have a lot in common.請過來見見我的堂兄莫爾教授,我肯定你會現你與他有許多共同之處。You can meet my family and eat dinner with us.你可以見見我的家人,和我們一起吃飯。come and see 過來瞧瞧例句Come and see me whenever you want to . 你什麼時候想來見我都可以。2.You should come and see it for yourself someday. 將來什麼時候你應該來親自看一看。 3.Patient: Good, you should come and see my collection. 病人:太好了,你應該來看看我的收藏。

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