  • 1 # 使用者9535254571587

    Men Can Conquer Nature

    Many people say that nature"s force is irresistible, but i think that man can conquer nature.

    First, i want to explain the meaning of conquer. i don"t mean to defeat and control nature, but tame it. Living harmoniously with nature is the goal and we can make it.

    Man can imitate things in nature and make new things to help us improve our living conditions. Take radar and saw for instance, radar is made on the basis that bat can identify object by searching ultrasonic wave. radar is used widely in military affairs. It can ascertain object"s shape, material and so on. On the basis of one kind of grass, Lu ban, the famous artisan of our contry, invent saw. With saw we can out off many hard things, make tools and so forth

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