  • 1 # 水雲丹煙坊


    シアワセオリー(English Version)

    Theory of Happiness - FTISLAND

    Oh flower, that we can"t name, has bloomed in fullness

    Drench yourself in the nonchalant every light

    This hand I reached out, it has"t gotten many things

    And again before I realized it, I kept this smile only to myself

    As if shutting it off into my narrow heart, all the small joys

    It"s too late but I realized that they were counterfeits of happiness

    And not actual happiness, such a fool I am

    If I could bring back time, I would want to go back to when you were there

    Happiness isn"t meant to be taken away, it"s the courage

    to be able to give happiness to others

    These opened eyes haven"t seen many sceneries

    Not realizing that the things that are important, are clear

    Not saying "Thank you" nor "Sorry",

    I know I, one day, would become like the air

    But when you are not there, I cannot breathe

    The flower that we can"t name, bloomed in fullness

    as bright as the days I was with you

    I don"t look for happiness, it"s just somthing that simply wraps me in the tender air

    Like a rock that became round through the river"s flow

    Time"s fly does the same to my heart

    Oh flower, that we can"t name, has bloom in fullness

    So that I won"t make the same mistake again

    Oh flower, your scent, your pale color, burn it into my heart

    If I could bring back time, I would want to go back to when you were there

    Happiness isn"t meant to be taken away, it"s the courage

    to be able to give happiness to others

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