  • 1 # 米哈關愛

    As the saying goes,friendship is the greatest happiness in life.So it is necessary to make some friend.And almost everyone has good friends,and so do I. My good friend"s name is Jenny.She is a kind,clever and liberal girl.She has a round face,and what I like best is her eyes because although they are not big,but penetrating.And her slightly curly hair makes her look so cute.And her slightly curly hair makes her look so cute.And her heat is as "beautiful" as her appearance.She is also very helpful and friendly.She will always be there when I need help;and she teaches me lots of principles,too. This is her,Jenny,my good teacher and helpful friend,also the best friend. 謝謝對本篇文章的閱讀(^ฅ ◜◡‾)♡(‾◡◝ ฅ^)麼麼麼麼麼噠

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