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    1. unusual

    2. unwonted

    3. blazing

    4. unaverage

    5. selcouth

    6. uncommon

    7. out of the way Examples: 1. 某種不尋常的事正要發生。 Something unusual was about to happen. 2. 多麼不尋常的混合風味! What an unusual combination of flavours! 3. 我收到姨母給我的一件極不尋常的禮物. I received a most unusual present from my aunt. 4. 我的兩個女兒都是黑頭髮、藍眼睛。這種結合是不尋常的,但又是世代相傳的。 Both of my daughters have black hair and blue eyes; it is an unusual combination but it runs in the family. 5. 他不尋常的舉止引起了警察的懷疑。 His strange behavior made the police suspicious.滿意請採納

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