  • 1 # 直將為疆界

    獵頭 - head-hunting 列:現在,我知道了整個獵頭的事情。 Now , I get the whole head-hunting thing . - recruiter 列:並且,掌控哪些資訊會被獵頭看到也很重要。 And it "s important to manage your message to control what recruiters see . -headhunter 列:搜尋這些傳言,並且調查是否確有其事,是獵頭的工作。 It is the headhunter "s job to hunt those down and find out whether there is anything in them . -executive search 列:我們擁有一支100人穩定的顧問團隊,他們在獵頭以及人力資源招聘領域至少擁有四年以上的工作經驗; We have a team of 100 consultants , who have at least four years work experience and stability in their areas of executive search and recruitment and human resources .

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