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    say sorry to ,be sorry to, be sorry for

      say sorry to表示“向……表示道歉(歉意)”的意思,sorry是名詞,to是介詞,其後接表示人的名詞或代詞。例如:I"d say sorry to you, I must go.我要向諸位表示歉意,我得走了。Don"t scold him, he had said sorry to us.不要責備他了,他已經向我們道歉了。

      be sorry to和be sorry for都表示“由於……而感到遺憾”的意思,其中sorry均為形容詞。不同的是前者接動詞原形,後者接名詞或動名詞。例如:I"m sorry to hear his failure.聽說他失敗了,我感到很遺憾。I"m sorry for giving so much trouble.對不起,給你添了這麼多麻煩。

    1 表示難過的惋惜的sorry for+人,sorry about+物

    例如: I felt sorry for her in her great trouble.

    I am sorry about his misfortune.

    2 表抱歉 後悔而這均可,可以互換.

    I am sorry for/abour what I said.

    3 for 可以加動名詞,about不可

    I am sorry for troubling you.


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