  • 1 # 小城大事會

    You"re my life"s one miracle

    Everything I"ve done that"s good

    And you break my heart with tenderness

    And I confess it"s true

    I never knew a love like this "til you

    You"re the reason I was born

    Now I finally know for sure

    And I"m overwhelmed with happiness

    So blessed to hold you close

    The one that I love most

    Though the future has so much for you in store

    Who could ever love you more

    The nearest thing to heaven

    You"re my angel from above

    Only God creates such perfect love

    When you smile at me I cry

    And to save your life I"d die

    With a romance that is pure in heart

    You are my dearest part

    Whatever it requires

    I live for your desires

    Forget my own, your needs will come before

    Who could ever love you more

    There is nothing you could ever do

    To make me stop loving you

    And every breath I take

    Is always for your sake

    You sleep inside my dreams And know for sure

    Who could ever love you more

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 雙色球010期,紅球組合五花八門,是驚喜還是驚訝?