  • 1 # 老弟弟二

    「 look 」中文意思除了看、注視的基本定義,你知道還有什麼其他意思或用法嗎?基本定義:to use the eyes ; to use vision 看.注視與see的差別是:see : 用眼睛感覺.感知,接收某些東西,透過眼睛獲得訊息。look : 聚焦.將目光集中在某事上,引導你注意某些事情。to appear in accordance with根據某人或某情況獲得一些資訊ex. She"s had a rough year.她度過了艱難的一年。Yeah, she looks it.是啊,看起來是。ex. He"s 60? He doesn"t look it !他60歲了?他看起來不像!to seem 看起來.似乎可用seem的字代替,但 seem 的用法比 look 正式一點ex. This looks pretty tough.這看起來非常艱難。=This seems pretty tough.ex. This is looking like it"s going to be easier than I thought.這看起來比我想像中的要容易。= This is seeming like it"s going to be easier than I thought.to have in mind as a goal當作目標記在心裡,有計劃去做…looking 在這表示有一段努力達成目標的過程ex. We"re looking to buy a new car by the end of the month.月底前我們打算買一輛新車。ex. He"s looking to complete his job transfer by next month.他計劃在下個月完成他的工作轉移。to express with eyes or face用眼睛或臉來表達ex. She looked surprised.她看起來很驚訝。ex. They look pretty angry.他們看起來很生氣。look into 調查.研究ex. We need to look into these accusations.我們需要調查這些指控.罪狀。= We need to investigate these accusations. (比較正式的說法)ex. Have you looked into the requirements for your license?你有查過你的許可證條件嗎?look the other way 假裝沒看見(睜一隻眼閉一隻眼)ex. You can"t just look the other way while your boss mistreats the employees in your company!當你老闆虐待你公司的員工時,你不能只是假裝沒看到。ex. We shouldn"t look the other way when our fellow humans are in trouble.當我們人類同胞遇到麻煩時,我們不應該睜一隻眼閉一隻眼。有關英語知識就分享到這裡,如果想知道更多關於英語口語方面的內容,可以關注我,未來還會有更多優質內容分享給大家。

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