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    清明節快樂:Happy Qingming Festival 清明兼具自然與人文兩大內涵,它既是自然節氣點,也是傳統社會的重大春祭節日。清明真正體現天人合一觀念。清明節俗豐富,但歸納起來是兩大節令傳統:一是禮敬祖先,慎終追遠;二是親近自然、珍重生命。這兩大傳統禮俗主題在中國傳承千年,至今不輟。 The Qingming Dynasty has two connotations of nature and humanity. It is not only a natural solar point, but also a major spring festival in traditional society. The Qingming Dynasty truly embodies the concept of harmony between man and nature. Qingming Festival is rich in customs, but it can be summed up as two major festival traditions: first, respecting ancestors, cautiously pursuing the distant end; second, being close to nature and cherishing life. These two traditional themes of etiquette and custom have been handed down in China for thousands of years, and have never stopped.

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