  • 1 # 掉眼淚的冠軍

    accuse, charge, sue 都有指控、控告的意思。1、accuse指責(某人)。可以是一般意義上的譴責、責備;也可以指法律上的控告。常用於句型:accuse sb. of (doing) sth.【例句】He was accused of favouritism. 他被指責偏袒。【例句】He was accused of murdering his wife"s lover. 他被指控殺害了他妻子的情人。2、charge 以(一罪行)控告(某人)。 強調根據法律在法庭上控告。常用於句型:charge sb. with (doing)sth.【例句】The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels.警方指控那個囚徒偷竊了珠寶。如:The police charged the driver with reckless driving.3、另外sue 也可以表示控告,sue常與for搭配。如:Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house.擴充套件資料:例句(1)Brian sided with his sister, which led his mother to accuse him of being disloyal. 布賴恩站在他姐姐這一邊,他母親就此指責他不忠。(2)His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties 他的父親會指責他不盡孝道。(3)Hard for anyone to accuse you of treason again. 很難有人再指控你叛國了。(4)He is charge with three serious offence. 他被指控犯有3種嚴重罪行。(5)They were charge with doctoring the election results. 他們因竄改選舉結果而受到控告。(6)She faced the charge with a clear conscience. 面對指控,她問盡無愧。

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