  • 1 # pnpas22113

    turn on的意思開啟(水、電視、收音機、燈、煤氣等); (使) 感興趣; (使) 興奮; 發動。例句:

    1、I want to turn on the television.我想開電視。

    2、Demonstrators turned on police, overturning vehicles and setting fire to them.示威者攻擊警察,推翻車輛並將其縱火焚燒。

    3、The plot turns on whether Ilsa will choose her lover or her husband. 故事情節取決於伊爾莎會選擇情人還是丈夫。

    4、She asked them why they hadn"t turned the lights on. 她問他們為什麼不開燈。standby意思是支援; 準備行動; 信守諾言; 站在旁邊。例句:1、Canned varieties of beans and pulses are a good standby. 各種豆類罐頭製品是很好的常備食品。2、Five ambulances are on standby at the port.5輛救護車在港口待命。3、Access International books standby flights from New York to Europe. 全球通達公司可以預訂從紐約到歐洲的剩餘機票。4、He sat through the trial as a standby juror. 他作為候補陪審員參加了審判的全過程。

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