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    表示“對……極為重要”,critical 後通常接介詞 to 和 for 均可以,但以用介詞 to 較為普通。如:‍1.用 to 的例子‍Winning the award is critical to our success. 獲得這一獎項對我們的成功起著決定性的作用。These talks are critical to the future of the peace process. 這些談話對和平程序的前景至關重要。How you finance a business is critical to the success of your venture. 如何融資對企業的成功至關重要。What happens in the next few days is critical to our success. 今後幾天發生的事對我們取得成功非常關鍵。This reorganization is critical to the long-term future of the company. 這次重組對公司的長遠發展至關重要。What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live — and the converse is also true. 一個人的謀生手段對於其居住地的選擇和生活方式來說有著至關重要的影響,反之亦然。2. 用 for 的例子Early diagnosis is critical for successful treatment. 早期診斷對成功治療很關鍵。Maintaining control of the budget is absolutely critical for success. 為了獲得成功,控制預算極為重要。

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