  • 1 # 似寒光遇驕陽

    1, people often put some things behind, some moments in life branding in the time the dust, we can try to ignore, but these trivial things but bit by bit to form a chain, will you firmly with the past together.


    2, I can not help but ask, what happened? How can love them just disappear? Love is when to leave? And where did she go? Love, is like a shadow, someone stepped in, took away? Or because of love like a shadow that is afraid of light, or, the opposite is the case, there is no light, the shadow of love will be wiped away, eventually leave?


    3, I never believe the fate, do not believe the so-called can be signs of life to guide us. I don"t believe in fortune teller story, do not believe that can predict the future of cards. I believe that only a simple coincidence, there are occasional truth.


    4, in the life some precious moment, actually comes from the little things. If I don"t stay tonight, I don"t think I"ll ever have a deep talk with mother"s. Together with the mother to leave the attic, the last time I went back under the skylight, thank my shadow.


    5, in fact, the best memories in the moment, in front of us, and it will be the best time of life.


    6, you can"t interfere in other people"s life, even if it is for the good of the other. This is his life, and he was the only one who can decide his life. You must comply with the fact that growth, let go, everyone there is no need for you to heal but growth on the road by you, even if you become the top doctor, also can"t do this.


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