  • 1 # 戒清秀的小夥

    every sha lala la是《Yesterday once more》(《昨日重現》)。

    《昨日重現》(Yesterday Once More)是卡朋特樂隊演唱的歌曲,始創於1973年。理查德·卡朋特和約翰·貝迪斯為迴應七十年代早期的懷舊風創作了這首歌曲。歌曲曾入圍奧斯卡百年金曲,在美國Billboard榜單和英國流行音樂排行榜上都得亞軍的成績,名列1973年的國際公信榜單曲排行榜和美國Billboard Easy Listening第一位,現在這首歌已成為永恆暢銷單曲之一。


    When I was young (當我小時候)

    I"d listen to the radio (聆聽收音機)

    Waiting for my favorite songs (等待著我最喜歡的歌曲)

    When they played I"d sing along (當歌曲播放時我和著它輕輕吟唱)

    It made me smile (我臉上洋溢著幸福的微笑)

    Those were such happy times (那時的時光多麼幸福)

    and not so long ago (且它並不遙遠)

    How I wondered (我記不清)

    where they"d gone (它們何時消逝)

    But they"re back again (但是它們再次回訪)

    just like a long lost friend (讓一個久無音訊的老朋友)

    All the songs I love so well (所有我喜愛萬分的歌曲)

    Every shalala every wo"wo (每一個shalala每一個wo‘wo)

    still shines (仍然光芒四射)

    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling (每一個shing-a-ling)

    that they"re starting to sing (每一個他們開始唱的)

    so fine (都如此悅耳)

    When they get to the part (當他們唱到他)

    where he"s breaking her heart (讓她傷心之處)

    It can really make me cry (我哭泣)

    just like before (像從前那樣)

    It"s yesterday once more (昨日重現)

    Shoobie do lang lang (無比惆悵)

    Shoobie do lang lang (無比惆悵)

    Looking back on (回首往事)

    how it was in years gone by (回望曾經)

    And the good times that I had (幸福時光)

    makes today seem rather sad (今日已滄海桑田)

    So much has changed (變了很多)

    It was songs of love (那是舊情歌)

    that I would sing to them (我唱給他們的)

    And I"d memorise each word (至今我仍能記得每一個文字)

    Those old melodies (那些舊旋律)

    still sound so good to me (仍然悅耳動聽)

    As they melt the years away (可以把歲月融化)

    Every shalala every wo"wo (每一個shalala每一個wo‘wo) 

    still shines (仍然光芒四射)

    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling (每一個他們開始唱的shing-a-ling)

    that they"re starting to sing (每一個他們開始唱的)

    so fine (都如此悅耳)

    All my best memories (我美好的回憶)

    come back clearly to me (都清晰地浮現在眼前)

    Some can even make me cry (我哭泣)

    just like before (像從前那樣)

    It"s yesterday once more (昨日重現)

    Shoobie do lang lang (無比惆悵)

    Every shalala every wo"wo (每一個shalala每一個wo‘wo)

    still shines (仍然光芒四射)

    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling (每一個shing-a-ling)

    that they"re starting to sing (他們開始唱的)

    so fine (都如此悅耳)

    Every shalala every wo"wo still shines (每一個shalala每一個wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射)

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