  • 1 # 孤江岸

    ou were her only girl 你是她唯一的女孩The most precious thing in her world 她的世界裡最珍貴的東西And I know it makes you cry 我知道這會讓你哭泣That you never got to say goodbye 你從未說過告別You were just

  • 2 # 大慄樹傳播

    You were her only girl 你是她唯一的女孩

    The most precious thing in her world 她的世界裡最珍貴的東西

    And I know it makes you cry 我知道這會讓你哭泣

    That you never got to say goodbye 你從未說過告別

    You were just running out of time 你只是不合時宜地離開

    To say what was on your mind 其實你心裡要說的是

    You never wanted her to leave 你從沒想要她離開

    And mom I know it makes you grief 母親我知道這使你傷心

    But why don"t you celebrate the moments that you shared yeah 為什麼不慶祝一下你們在一起的時光

    "Cuz now she"s watching over you 因為她正注視著你

    It"s true 真的

    And you know it too 你也知道

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    If you can"t take the pain 如果你不能承受這痛苦

    Of a broken heart 一個破碎的心

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    I know it feels as though hope is gone 我知道這感覺好像沒有了希望

    And it hurts to think of moving on 受傷是為了去思考繼續向前

    But she"d never want to see you sad 但她從未想看見你悲傷的樣子

    Even though I know this hurts so bad 儘管我知道這有多受傷

    Devoted a life to you 把一生獻給你

    And helped raise the grandson too 並且還為你扶養孫子孫女

    And now I hope you realize 現在我希望你意識到

    That I"ll always be there by your side 我總是站在你這邊支援你

    So why don"t we celebrate the moments that we shared yeah 所以為什麼不慶祝一下我們在一起的時光

    "Cuz now she"s watching over you 因為她正注視著你

    It"s true 真的

    And you know it too 你也知道

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    If you can\"t take the pain 如果你不能承受這痛苦

    Of a broken heart 一個破碎的心

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    You never knew how much she tried to fight it 你從不知道她為此鬥爭地多累

    And when you needed her around she"d be there 每當你需要的時候她總是在那

    But you can reassure yourself that she"s at ease 但你居然可以安慰自己說她很空閒

    And that"s why it"s time for you 這就是現在該輪到你的原因

    To... 去...

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    If you can"t take the pain 如果你不能承受這痛苦

    Of a broken heart 一個破碎的心

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    If you can"t take the pain 如果你不能承受這痛苦

    Of a broken heart 一個破碎的心

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    (Just let her go, let her go)(就讓她走吧 就讓她走吧)

    If you can"t take the pain 如果你不能承受這痛苦

    Of a broken heart 一個破碎的心

    Just let her go... 就讓她走吧

    (Just let her go, let her)(就讓她走吧 就讓她...)

    If you can"t take the pain...如果你不能承受這痛苦

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