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    你這裡要把keep 和 be 放在一起作比較的話,那隻能是比較它們都當系動詞的用法,be 作為系動詞它的表語 的詞性比較廣泛。

    eg. He is a student . (名詞作表語)

    He is angry . (形容詞作表語)

    They are out . (副詞 作表語)

    We are in Grade Two (介詞短語作表語)

    The movie is touching.( 現在分詞作表語)

    They are excited at the news. (過去分詞作表語)

    His dream is to be a scientist ,( 動詞不定式作表語)

    One plus two is three .(數詞作表語)

    而keep 作半系動詞時後面只跟 形容詞作表語。

    eg. Keep quiet.

    但keep 後的賓語補足語 可以用不同的詞性,但動詞不定式不能作keep 的賓補。

    eg. Keep the room tidy ( 形容詞作賓補)

    Don"t keep him out (副詞作賓補)

    keep it a secret .( 名詞作賓補)

    Keep the pot in the shade . (介詞短語作賓補)

    Don"t keep me waiting for long ( 分詞作賓補)

    Keep us informed ( 過去分詞作賓補)

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