Not observing the provisions in berthing, backing, turning, exceeding, or crossing不按規定停泊、倒車、調頭、追越、搶頭
No U-Turn不準調頭
No U turn不準調頭;不準掉頭
"Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds"wrote Shakespeare in one of his famous sonnets莎士比亞在他一首著名的十四行詩中寫道:"愛不是真愛,如果對方轉彎你就調頭……
Don"t make a U turn here!別在這裡調頭!
The launch slowed down as it swept round in a wide circle at the river"s mouth, then headed back up the river towards Shanghai.小火輪改開了慢車,迂迴地轉著一個大圓圈,這是在調頭預備回上海。
reverse end for end
Not observing the provisions in berthing, backing, turning, exceeding, or crossing不按規定停泊、倒車、調頭、追越、搶頭
No U-Turn不準調頭
No U turn不準調頭;不準掉頭
"Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds"wrote Shakespeare in one of his famous sonnets莎士比亞在他一首著名的十四行詩中寫道:"愛不是真愛,如果對方轉彎你就調頭……
Don"t make a U turn here!別在這裡調頭!
The launch slowed down as it swept round in a wide circle at the river"s mouth, then headed back up the river towards Shanghai.小火輪改開了慢車,迂迴地轉著一個大圓圈,這是在調頭預備回上海。