  • 1 # 河南明妝護膚

    飄結局中每個人的行為和表情,完全符合他們的性格特點。這是個團圓的結局。媚蘭那麼聰慧睿智,如果瑞德不愛思嘉了,她肯定看得出來,既然她臨死前她告訴思嘉瑞德非常愛她,那瑞德就一定還非常愛思嘉,沒錯的:Be kind to Captain Butler. He loves you so。我們應該相信媚蘭,不要去相信瑞德的什麼他的愛已消亡的迷惑思嘉的話。思嘉表明了對瑞德的愛並在瑞德一系列刺激的話下證明了她的愛後,瑞德其實恢復了,他又有了心,有了力量,有了活力,所以才會顯示出他的本色出來: because she sensed in him something strong, unyielding, implacable 而思嘉長大了,她學會去了解別人了She had never understood either of the men she had loved and so she had lost them both. Now, she had a fumbling knowledge that, had she ever understood Ashley, she would never have loved him; had she ever understood Rhett, she would never have lost him. She wondered forlornly if she had ever really understood anyone in the world. 而且還懂得維護瑞德的自尊心了,懂得愛他了“No,” she cried. “All I know is that you do not love me and you are going away! Oh, my darling, if you go, what shall I do?”你看,從結局裡也可以看出,瑞德並沒有和思嘉真正分開的打算,他只是有事要出去辦,他說了他會回來的。他最後那些話完全是在思嘉又提到艾希禮讓他受自尊心受傷的情況下做出來的,他也要思嘉受傷受傷。我估計可能大部分讀者也都跟著思嘉一起被他迷惑了,都上了他的當了。

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