  • 1 # 沈景祥

      Do you know? 你知道嗎?

      Do you know? 你知道嗎?

      Do you know what it feels like loving someone

      that"s in a rush to throw you away? 你是否知道愛著一個突然拋棄你的人是什麼樣子的感覺?

      Do you know, do you know, do you know, do ya? 你知道嗎,你知道嗎,你知嗎?

      Do you know what it feels like to be the last one

      to know the lock on the door has changed?


      Do you know, do you know, do you know, do ya(ya=you)? 你知道嗎,你知道嗎,你知嗎?

      If birds flying south is a sign of changes 如果候鳥飛向南方是一個改變的徵兆

      At least you can predict this every year 至少你每年都可以預言到

      Love, you never know the minute it ends suddenly 愛情,你永遠也不會知道它突然結束的那一分鐘

      I can"t get it to speak 我無法再說話

      Maybe if I knew all the things it took to save us 也許假設我能知道這一切看起來是在拯救我們

      I could fix the pain that bleeds inside of me 那麼我就可以封閉血在心裡流的那種痛。

      Look in your eyes to see something about me 看看你眼中那些關於我的事

      I"m standing on the edge 我站在邊緣

      and I don"t know what else to give. 不知道還要給出什麼

      How can I love you? 我怎麼能愛你

      If you just don"t talk to me, babe. 如果你什麼都不告訴我,寶貝

      I flow through my act 我反思我的行為

      There"s a question: Is she needed? 這裡有一個問題:真的需要她麼?

      And decide all the man I can ever be. 決定了無論什麼樣的男人我能成為,

      Looking at the last 3 years like I did 回首最後三年裡我做過的事

      I could never see us ending like this. 我完全不能看到我們會像這樣就結束了。

      (Do you know?) 你知道嗎?

      Seeing your face no more on my pillow 不能再看到你的臉龐出現我的枕頭上

      Is a scene that’s never ever happened to me. 這是一幕永遠不可能發生在我身上的一件事

      (Do you know?) 你知道嗎?

      But after this episode I don’t see 但在我沒有看到的這一幕之後

      You could never tell the next thing life could be 你永遠也不能告訴我生命的下一刻將是什麼

      (Do you know how it feels?) 你知道這感覺像什麼嗎?


  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 此情此景難為情什麼意思啊?