  • 1 # 日月星辰8877

    1. Thanks a lot(多謝)

    例:Thanks a lot for looking after the children.

    2. Thanks very much(非常感謝)

    例:Thanks very much for making dinner tonight.

    3. Thank you very much(非常感謝你)

    例:Thank you very much for dinner – it was great.

    例:Thank you so much for helping me out today.

    *注* Thanks相比Thank you更口語化,後者更正式、感情更豐富一些。

    6. Many thanks(多謝)


    例:Many thanks for the lovely present.

    7. Appreciate(感謝)


    例:I appreciate your concern, but honestly, I"m fine.

    8. Much obliged(深表謝意、感激不盡)

    例:I am much obliged to you for your patience during the recent difficulties.

    9. I owe you one/I owe you big time.(我欠你個人情/我欠你一個大人情)



    You got me promoted. I owe you one.

    You helped me out with the essay. I owe you big time.

    10. You’re too kind(你真是太好了)


    例:Thank you for for the glowing praise. You’re too kind.

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