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    iwill follow him 《修女也瘋狂》很多人翻唱過

    歌曲《I will follow him》出自1992年烏比哥德堡主演的美國電影《修女也瘋狂》。

    《修女也瘋狂》是由埃米利·阿朵裡諾(Emile Ardolino)執導的喜劇電影,由瑪吉·史密斯、哈維·凱特爾(Harvey Keitel)、瑪麗·威克斯(Mary Wickes)等人參與演出。由美國試金石影業於1992年發行。影片講述了迪勞麗絲逃避黑社會追殺躲進修道院的故事。


    I will follow him

    歌手:lauryn hill

    I will follow Him,

    Follow Him wherever He may go,

    And near Him, I always will be

    For nothing can keep me away,He is my destiny.

    I will follow Him,

    Ever since He touched my heart I knew,

    There isn"t an ocean too deep,

    A mountain so high it can keep,

    Keep me away, away from His love.

    I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,

    And where He goes,

    I"ll follow, I"ll follow, I"ll follow.I will follow Him,

    Follow Him wherever He may go,

    There isn"t an ocean too deep,

    A mountain so high it can keep,

    Keep me away, away from His love.

    I love Him(Oh yes I love Him)

    I"ll follow(I"m gonna follow)

    True love(He"ll always be my true, true love)

    Forever(Now until forever)

    I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,And where He goes,

    I"ll follow, I"ll follow, I"ll follow,

    He"ll always be my true love,My true love, my true love,

    From now until forever, Forever, forever.

    There isn"t an ocean too deep,

    A mountain so high it can keep,

    Keep me away,

    away from His love

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