  • 1 # nulag39350

    1. 解決;解釋;闡明With the help of his friends, he finally solved the problem. 在朋友們的幫助下,他終於解決了問題。

    2. 解,解答(數學題)She tried to solve a crossword puzzle. 她試著解答一道縱橫字謎。

    3. 清償(債務等)4. 溶解及物動詞 vt. 1. 安放;安頓;安排;料理[O]He settled his child in a corner of the compartment. 他把孩子安頓在車廂的一個角落裡。 2. 使(雜質)沉澱;使(液體)澄清3. 使(自己)安下心來;使(心情)平靜下來,使安寧After the excitement I tried to settle myself. 激動過後,我設法平靜下來。

    4. 確定,決定[+(that)][+wh-]I"ve settled that I"ll drop medicine and take up physics. 我已決定放棄學醫,開始學物理。

    5. 解決(問題等);結束(爭端、糾紛等)Both wanted to settle their scores. 雙方都願意捐棄前嫌。 The question has been settled. 這個問題已經解決了。

    6. 使定居;殖民於[H]7. 支付,結算I have several bills to settle

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  • 一個男人失戀後每天借酒消愁,這是不是一種懦弱的表現?