  • 1 # 掉眼淚的冠軍

    1、意思上的不同give out:分發;公佈;停止執行;停止起作用。give off:發出;放出;散發出;放射出。2、用法上的不同give out側重的是(散發,釋出)這個動作。give off側重的是(散發)的結果,更偏向於形容物理現象。例句:①、give outThere were people at the entrance giving out leaflets. 有人在入口處散發傳單。He wouldn"t give out any information 他不願透露任何訊息。All machines give out eventually 最終,所有的機器都停止了運轉。②、give offSubstances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve. 諸如氨氣之類的物質在溶解時會釋放出熱量。If plastic and rubber are burnt, they"ll give off poisonous gases. 要是塑膠和橡膠被焚,就會放出有毒的氣體。Fireflies give off flashes of light when they fly at night. 螢火蟲夜間飛行時發出閃光。


    同義詞解析:send out意思:發出;傳送;長出;散佈。例句:She had sent out well over four hundred invitations that afternoon. 那天下午她發出了遠遠不止400份請柬。The crew did not send out any distress signals 機組人員沒有發出任何求救訊號。If you cut your rubber plant back, it should send out new side shoots. 橡膠樹修剪完後,應會長出新枝。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 自制酸奶水果雪糕放冰箱儲存多久?