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    I was almost about to lose my faith那時我幾乎丟掉了信仰 Was still dreaming but feared it was too late 那時我仍然有夢想可是恐怕已經太遲 But then you came along to my surprise而你奇蹟般出現在我的生命裡 and stole my heart before my very eyes 佔據了我的心 Chorus: You took me right out of the blue你就是那個帶我走出悲傷的人 simply by showing that you love me too用你的愛 only by giving me your everything用你所有的付出 with a love so true you took me out of the blue 用一份真摯的愛帶我走出悲傷 I was wondering what love was all about我一直想知道愛情到底是什麼 I was trying but couldn"t work it out 追尋了千百次卻始終沒有答案 But then you came along to my surprise你的突然出現 and made my frozen mind come alive 讓我冰封的心變得溫暖 Chorus: You took me right out of the blue你就是那個帶我走出悲傷的人 simply by showing that you love me too用你的愛 only by giving me your everything用你所有的付出 with a love so true you took me out of the blue 用一份真摯的愛帶我走出悲傷 You let me out of the darkness帶我走出黑暗 you brought me out in the sun帶我走向光明 I think you must be the only one for me你就是我的唯一 "cos you took me 因為你 Chorus: Right out of the blue就是那個帶我走出悲傷的人 simply by showing that you love me too用你的愛 only by giving me your everything用你所有的付出 breathing air below my wings用你在我懷裡的靜靜的呼吸 You took me right out of the night你帶我走出黑夜 simply by filling my heart with light用Sunny填滿我的心房 only by giving me your energy用你的力量 with a love so true you took me out of the blue用你真摯的愛帶我走出悲傷

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