man -k keyword | grep "name" 查詢一個man手冊中的簡短說明包含keyword的函式,name為函式名的關鍵字(可以不加管道)如 man -k timer | grep "set" 查詢一個man手冊中的簡短說明包含timer的函式,set為函式名的關鍵字(可以不加管道),可以查詢到以下資訊:getitimer (2) - get or set value of an interval timersetitimer (2) - get or set value of an interval timertimer_settime (2) - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timertimerfd_settime (2) - timers that notify via file descriptorstimerisset (3) - timeval operations函式呼叫任君選擇。
man -k keyword | grep "name" 查詢一個man手冊中的簡短說明包含keyword的函式,name為函式名的關鍵字(可以不加管道)如 man -k timer | grep "set" 查詢一個man手冊中的簡短說明包含timer的函式,set為函式名的關鍵字(可以不加管道),可以查詢到以下資訊:getitimer (2) - get or set value of an interval timersetitimer (2) - get or set value of an interval timertimer_settime (2) - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timertimerfd_settime (2) - timers that notify via file descriptorstimerisset (3) - timeval operations函式呼叫任君選擇。
grep "keyword" /usr/include/*.h | grep "typedef"grep "keyword" /usr/include/*/*.h | grep "typedef"如 grep "time_t" /usr/include/*.h | grep "typedef"可以查詢到 " typedef __time_t time_t; "
locate keyword.h 可以查詢名為keyword的標頭檔案所在的目錄樹
如 locate time.h | grep "/usr/include" 可以查詢到一下資訊: