  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    Camelot - Rise And Fall盛與衰Chorus: 合唱Oah Oah Rise and Fall啊!人生起伏盛與衰No more tears for bleeding horse不再為死去的馬兒傷心Now I will survive如今我將生存下去Don"t know where and don"t know why不知在哪,不知為何In the land of the seven hills在羅馬帝國的大地上 (古羅馬是建立於七座山之中)Every man is working hard每個人在辛勤勞動Children play with wooden tools孩子在玩木具Women pray for food婦女在祈求食物Suddenly one old man says一位老者忽然說Dark clouds on horizon烏雲要來啦Every mean five feet tall每個五尺高的男人 (mean 應該是man的筆誤)Takes his sword and shield掏出他的劍與盾Chorus:合唱Ash of war on ancient ground古老的土地滿是戰爭的灰燼Dying man on red blood land血紅的地上是垂死的人No one"s war mans no name grave無意義的戰爭無名的墳墓 (mans 應該是means的筆誤)Love will not survive愛將不能倖免Fight for peace not for god為和平而不是為神明而戰Soul is steel life is gold鋼鐵般的靈魂,黃金般的生命In the land of the seven hills在羅馬帝國的大地上Now we rest in peace如今我們恢復平靜

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 西廂記講的是什麼故事呀?