1 # 木子醬
2 # 伢伢珍
歌詞譯文: 卡薩布蘭卡 看著《卡薩布蘭卡》這部片時,我愛上了你 當時汽車電影院的後排燈光閃爍不定 爆米花和可樂在星光下變成了香檳和魚子醬 我們在漫長的而燥熱的夏夜裡盡情歡笑 我以為在看《卡薩布蘭卡》時,你愛上了我 在點著燭光的裡克咖啡館裡的吊扇下牽手 我們躲在聚光燈照不到的陰影裡 你的眼裡映著摩洛哥的月光 隨著電影在我那輛舊雪佛萊裡變著魔術 噢!卡薩布蘭卡的親吻依舊 但沒有了你的嘆息,那吻已不成吻 請來卡薩布蘭卡找我 隨著時光流逝,我一天比一天更愛你 我猜,在卡薩布蘭卡有很多傷心人 你知道我從未到過那裡 所以我不是很清楚 我想我們的愛情故事不會被搬上銀幕 但當我不得不看著你離去,我也感受到那種傷痛 隨著時光流逝,我一天比一天更愛你 中文歌詞: 在我並不高明的愛情遊戲中, 我注視著你的每一次衝動! 戀人們都知道, 泛舟情海, 來不得哪怕是一點點的羞澀 翻滾,旋轉,相互追逐,直到那令人神往的彼岸 當你迴轉身說話時,我凝視著,就象在看電影裡的慢動作 (你)帶走了我的呼吸,帶走了我的呼吸 連眼都不眨, 我一直在等待,等待著加入屬於你我的愛 不能再有一點兒猶豫,這是上帝對我們的安排 翻滾,旋轉,相互追逐,藏身於那令人神往的彼岸 在你轉身對我說你愛我時,我感覺你說得很慢很慢 (你)帶走了我的呼吸,帶走了我的呼吸 就在你滑開的一剎那,我透過時鐘看到了你 當鏡子被打碎時,我轉過身叫住了你,傾聽你心靈的呼喚 好象是隻有在今天,我才一無所懼,奮力向前 (你)帶走了我的呼吸,帶走了我的呼吸 在愚蠢的愛情遊戲中,要注意每一次的衝動 只要一旦被激情所左右, 那將無疑是一場聖火燃燒的愛情 翻滾,旋轉,相互追逐,直到那令人神往的彼岸 在你轉身說話時, 我看到了你,注視著你漫長的一舉一動 我喘不過氣來,寶貝,無法呼吸 親愛的,寶貝,你帶走了我的呼吸,帶走了...我的呼吸 英文歌詞: Watching every motion In my foolish lover′s game On this endless ocean Finally lovers know no shame Turning and returning To some secret place inside Watching in slow motion As you turn around and say Take my breath away Watching I keep waiting Still anticipating love Never hesitating To became the fated ones Through the hour glass I saw you In time you slipped away, When the mirror crashed I called you And turned to hear you say If only for today, I am unafraid Watching every motion In this foolish lover′s game Haunted by the notion Somewhere there′s a love in flames
Take My Breath Away
By:Eric Li
Berlin 柏林樂隊
Watching every motion
In my foolish lover"s game
On this endless ocean
Finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
Take my breath away
Watching I keep waiting
Still anticipating love
Never hesitating
To became the fated ones
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
I Know
Take my breath away
Through the hour glass I saw you
In time you slipped away
When the mirror crashed I called you
And turned to hear you say
If only for today
I am unafraid
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Watching every motion
In this foolish lover"s game
Haunted by the notion
Somewhere there"s a love in flames
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
Take my breath away
I Know
Take my breath away
I Know
Take my breath away
I Know
Take my breath away