  • 1 # 影片好笑

    seat與sit區別是1. seat和sit作為動詞,都可以表示“坐”的意思。(1) seat是及物動詞,比較正式,常以被動形式表示主動意義。如:He is seated between Jack and Tom. 她坐在傑克和湯姆之間。Please be seated. (=Please seat yourself.) 請坐。(2) sit通常作不及物動詞用,比較口語化。如:The students are sitting at their desks. 學生們正坐在課桌旁。Sit down, please. 請坐。2. seat還可作名詞用(而sit只能作動詞用),常見短語take a seat (相當於have a seat或take one"s seat) ,意為“坐下,就座”。如:Take your seat, please. 請就坐。 seat at意思是:坐在…的旁邊。例句:1、Adam jumped from his seat at the girl"s cry. 女孩兒一哭,亞當立即從座位上跳了起來。2、It"s easy to get a seat at the best shows in town.很容易搞到城裡頂級演出的票。3、I took a seat at the bar. 我在吧檯坐下了。4、Japan and the European Commission gained a seat at this important table. 日本和歐洲委員會在這個重要組織中獲得了一席之地。

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