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    1. His cunning and guile were not attributes I would ever underestimate. 我從未對他的狡猾和姦詐掉以輕心。

    2. He is a subtle character, you know. 你知道他為人狡猾。

    3. Enrico was too good, an old fox, cunning. 恩里科很有心計,是一隻狡猾的老狐狸。

    4. He had been devious and two-faced. 他從前向來都是陰險狡猾,口是心非。

    5. He"s a crafty old devil. 他是個奸詐狡猾的傢伙。

    6. He was as cunning as a fox. 他像狐狸一樣狡猾。

    7. The boss is a wily old fox. 老闆是個狡猾的老狐狸。

    8. A spy used cunning means to find out secrets. 間諜使用狡猾的手段獲取機密.

    9. The cagey fox could not be easily trapped by the farmer. 那隻狡猾的狐狸不會輕易落入農夫的陷阱.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 你遇到過讓你很討厭的同事嗎?為什麼?