  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至

      是我油漆的微笑,乾燥我的眼淚,蓋上蓋子  你穿,把一段時間  天空你的不要恐懼  但在這一切,我們的愛已經走了,我們已經放棄  但我們穿上的演出,所以沒有人會知道,因為我們已經下降  這是一個化裝,我們一般被試著面孔後面的妝,迴避真理  但是我不想撒謊,我試圖假裝,它確實喜歡一切都很好  masquer很痛苦的臉,它結束了,所以我們不斷的流血,在化妝舞會  您知道,這樣放,但感覺消失了  甚至知道我們現在需要的,我們會被忽略,所以這個節目將繼續下去  如果我們把從masquer,所以我們將不會長久,因為我們必須要看的東西  它的全部假裝,因為我們不是誰我們曾經有過的  這是一個化裝,我們一般被試著面孔後面的妝,迴避真理,但我不想撒謊,我試圖假裝,它確實喜歡一切都很好  masquer很痛苦的臉,它結束了,所以我們得讓蒙面出血  我是我現在該走了,讓來做夢了  你需要你的偽裝掉,離開你的言語倒在地上  我們已經尖叫裡面,我們終於可以讓它去  事實是不是現在,我們面對面地交流,傾向於把它變成一個化裝  我們一般被試著面孔後面的妝,迴避真理,但我不想撒謊,我試圖假裝,它確實喜歡一切準備就緒,masquer很痛苦的臉  它結束了,所以我們得讓蒙面出血。  英文歌詞:  oh yeah~oh yeah~  i am painting my smile,drying my tears,cover it all  you wear it at skys,how dont your fears,put up awhile  but underneath it all ,the love we had is gone,we already let go  but we put on the show,so nobody knows,cuz we already fall  it"s a masquerade,we‘v been tried to hide faces behind a masquerade,dancing around the truth  but i dont want to lie,i am tried to pretending,that it did like everything is ok  it hurts to masquer face,its over so we keep bleeding in a masquerade  you all that know ,so come to put,but the feeling is gone  and even know we need now,we get be ignored,so the show goes on  if we took off a masquer,that we could never last,cuz we be forced to see  its all been make believe,cuz we not who we used to be  it"s a masquerade,we‘v been tried to hide faces behind a masquerade,dancing around the truth,but i dont want to lie,i am tried to pretending,that it did like everything is ok  it hurts to masquer face,its over,so we keep bleeding in a masquerade  i am what i must now,let the dis come dreaming now  you take your disguise off,leaving your words down to the ground  we"ve been screaming inside,we can finally let it go  the truth is aint now,we face to face ,tend to put it into to a masquerade  we‘v been tried to hide faces behind a masquerade,dancing around the truth,but i dont want to lie,i am tried to pretending,that it did like everything is ok,it hurts to masquer face  its over,so we keep bleeding in a masquerade。 找得我.....

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