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    英語是:It"s better for you to realize your mistake and try your best to correct it.


    realize 英[萺i:Ylajz] 美[萺iY蘬ajz]

    vt. 實現; 瞭解,意識到; (所擔心的事) 發生; 以…價格賣出;

    vt. 變賣,賺得;

    [例句]The support systems to enable women to realize their potential at work are seriously inadequate


    mistake 英[mj萻tejk] 美[mj萻tek]

    n. 錯誤,過失,誤解; 差錯,口誤,筆誤; 失策,失誤;

    vt. 弄錯,誤解;

    vt. 誤會; 認不出; 看錯;

    [例句]They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force


    correct 英[kY萺ekt] 美[kY萺[kt]

    adj. 正確的; 合適的; 符合公認準則的; 得體的;

    v. 改正; 批改; 指出錯誤;

    [例句]The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8


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