  • 1 # 鴨腿和1條

    區別是:Not at all指的是一點也不,根本不。certainly not指的是不,當然不行;決不。例句辨析:Not at all1、I am not an obsessive. Not at all. 我不是個強迫症患者,完全不是。2、It"s not at all certain whether I"ll come tomorrow. 我明天還不定來不來呢。3、I"m not at all secretive, and I"m pretty good at calling a spade a spade. 我不會遮遮掩掩,我喜歡直言不諱。certainly not1、He"s very attractive, though certainly not a ladykiller.他很有魅力,雖然還不至於使女人一見傾心。2、I don"t know just exactly how old his child is, but certainly not older than twenty.他的孩子究竟多大我不清楚,反正不超過20歲。3、She might be a little common at times, but she was certainly not boring. 她有時候可能有點粗俗,但絕對不會讓人生厭。

  • 2 # 我是阿嘛

    certainly not 英[萻Y:tnli nTt] 美[萻Ztnli nɑt]

    [詞典] 不,當然不行; 決不;

    [例句]I"m certainly not scared of him


  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 老鷹vs籃網,球迷為什麼衝罰球的拉塞爾大喊你是個告密者?是由於他和尼克楊的錄影門嗎?