  • 1 # 停機佛山

    stupid: [ stju:pid ]a. 愚蠢的,笨的n. 傻瓜[ 副詞stupidly ][ 形容詞比較級stupider 最高階stupidest ][ 名詞stupidness ]例句與用法1. I think he was born stupid.我認為他生來就愚笨。 2. This stupid car won"t start.這輛老爺車就是發動不了。 3. What a stupid idiot!真是個愚蠢的白痴! 4. What a stupid prick you are!你真是個大傻瓜! 5. What did he say in explanation of his stupid behavior?他說了什麼來解釋他那愚蠢的行為? 6. It"s stupid to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practise.花錢上音樂課而從不練習是很愚蠢的. 7. Why grumble at me about your own stupid mistakes?你自己犯了愚蠢的錯誤, 為什麼向我抱怨? 8. You stupid jerk!你這蠢豬!

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