  • 1 # 奔跑著影視

    歌名:My Happy Ending〖我的完美結局〗演唱:Avril Lavigne <Rock Queen 艾薇兒>Oh oh, Oh oh, So much for my happy ending〖噢 這就是我的完美結局〗Oh oh, Oh oh, So much for my happy ending〖噢 原來這就是我的完美結局〗Oh oh, Oh oh, Oh ohLet"s talk this over〖我們好好談談吧〗It"s not like we"re dead〖人非草木 孰能無情〗Was it something I did?〖是我做了什麼?〗Was it something You said?〖還是你說了什麼?〗Don"t leave me hanging〖別對我不理不睬〗In a city so dead〖在這個死寂的城市中〗Held up so high on such a breakable thread〖只剩下兩人之間岌岌可危的一縷思念與緣分〗You were all the things I thought I knew〖我曾經認為我非常瞭解你〗And I thought we could be〖並天真地以為我們能一直在一起〗You were everything, everything that I wanted〖曾幾何時 你是我夢寐以求的一切〗We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it〖感覺命中註定要在一起 卻事與願違〗All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away〖腦海中浮現的美好回憶 正漸漸淡去〗All this time you were pretending〖一直以來 你那麼努力的假裝〗So much for my happy ending〖原來只為了給我一個如此"完美"的結局〗Oh oh, Oh oh, so much for my happy ending〖噢 這就是我如此"完美"的結局〗Oh oh, Oh ohYou"ve got your dumb friends〖你有你那些愚蠢的損友們〗I know what they say(they say)〖我知道他們會怎麼說〗They tell you I"m difficult〖他們對你說我很難相處〗But so are they(so are they)〖難道他們不是一個樣兒嗎!〗But they don"t know me〖他們完全不瞭解我〗Do they even know you?〖他們甚至連你都不瞭解〗All the things you hide from me〖你對我隱藏了很多事〗All the shit that you do(all the shit that you do)〖那些不想讓我知道的醜聞〗You were all the things I thought I knew〖我曾經認為我非常瞭解你〗And I thought we could be〖並天真地以為我們能一直在一起〗It"s nice to know that you were there〖感謝你曾經陪伴在我的身邊〗Thanks for acting like you cared〖感謝你假裝真的很在乎我〗And making me feel like I was the only one〖令我傻傻地覺得我就是你的唯一〗It"s nice to know we had it all〖感謝你給與我所有的虛幻回憶〗Thanks for watching as I fall〖感謝你在我沮喪時袖手旁觀〗And letting me know we were done〖讓我明確地知道 我們要結束了〗He was everything, everything that I wanted〖曾幾何時 他是我夢寐以求的一切〗We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it〖感覺命中註定要在一起 卻事與願違〗All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away〖腦海中浮現的美好回憶 正漸漸淡去〗All this time you were pretending〖一直以來 你那麼努力的假裝〗So much for my happy ending〖原來只為了給我一個如此"完美"的結局〗You were everything, everything that I wanted〖曾幾何時 你是我夢寐以求的一切〗We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it〖感覺命中註定要在一起 卻事與願違〗All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away〖腦海中浮現的美好回憶 正漸漸淡去〗All this time you were pretending〖一直以來 你那麼努力的假裝〗So much for my happy ending〖原來只為了給我一個如此"完美"的結局〗Oh oh, Oh oh, so much for my happy ending〖噢 這就是我如此"完美"的結局〗Oh oh, Oh oh, so much for my happy ending〖噢 原來這就是我如此"完美"的結局〗Oh oh, Oh oh, Oh oh, Oh oh

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