  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至

    talent show 英[ˈtælənt ʃəu] 美[ˈtælənt ʃo] n. 業餘歌手演唱會; 選秀節目,選秀比賽; [例句]He began his musical career in talent shows他的音樂生涯始於才藝表演。[其他] 複數:talent shows

    talent show才藝表演;才藝展示;天才表演例句1.The celebrity talent show is extremely well performed.名人才藝表演好極了。2.The demands of the event: Chinese self introduction, talent show, answer the judges questions.比賽的要求有:漢語自我介紹,才藝展示,回答評委提問。3.Our class is organizing a talent show to raise money for charity.我們班級正在組織一場才藝表演來為慈善機構籌錢。4.Our class is organizing a talent show to save money for charity.我們班正在組織一場才藝表演,為慈善事業籌款。5.We are also not allowing you to perform on the talent show.我們還不允許你在才藝比賽上表演。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我家寶寶48天了,剛出生時打的卡介苗現在化膿了,還能洗澡嗎?