  • 1 # 使用者2458114238191884

    My Weekend

    I had a happy weenkend.It was Saturday and it was a fine day.My classmate Liu Dong and I went to see the film.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got to the cinema at 8:30。There were many people at the cinema.We bought the tickets and went in the cinema.It was not long before the film began.It was a comedy.It was so interesting that we liked it very much.The film lasted for about two hours.


    我有一個快樂的週末。這是星期六,天氣很好。我的同學,我和劉東去看電影了。我們開始在上午8:00到電影院為8 30.there在電影院被很多人。我們買了票去看電影。它是不會長久的在電影開始前。這是一部喜劇。它是如此的有趣,我們非常喜歡它。這部電影持續了大約兩個小時。

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