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    "No Survivors" by Nick Helm.

    We were soaring up through the clouds above

    We were flying high on our wings of love

    We were strapped in tight buying duty-free

    "til you said the words that you said to me

    You said you got no love left in your heart

    Then the turbulence tore our plane apart

    Our engines stalled as we tucked and braced

    And we smashed back down to Earth


    No survivors [x4]

    There were engine parts scattered left and right

    There were searchlights searching through the night

    As they dragged our bodies from the twisted wreck

    And the doctors beat on our lifeless chests

    No vital signs no BPM our relationship flat-lined right then

    There was nothing left to do but pray

    Like the last time you walked out

    [CHORUS] x2

    There"s a dolls head burnt by the fuselage

    There"s a black box laying where you broke my heart

    All the landing gears resting by the wings

    And across the wreck is scattered all our things

    Your face was like a plane crash

    I couldn"t tear myself away

    Girl your mouth and eyes were burning hot

    And your hair was red like flames

    There"s an impact crater sitting in my heart

    From the time we crashed and blew our love apart

    The fire that we shared burnt hot and fast

    I thought they"d never put us out

    No survivors [x4]

    No survivors [x4]

    no no no no no survivors

    No survivors [x4]

    no no no no no survivors

    No survivors [x4]

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