  • 1 # 擼的一手老僵

    I have a dream. And that is to be a racer, because when i was young and i was looking at those racer on television and i was thinking they were so cool and i always wanted to be one of them. But to make my wish come true I need to do the following steps. Firstly, I need to work hard to save some money because I need money to buy a racing car. Secondly i need to work on my body strength more because i need to be strong enough to hold that speed so i wont fall apart. Thirdly i need to be brave and by being brave i will start watching scary movies to be more brave. Inconclusion I want to be a racer first to work and get money

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我要野生三十歌詞?