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    《light my fire》 點燃我的愛火歌手:陳詩慧light my fire 點燃我的愛火now that we hear all around 現在讓我們靜聽四周the sun is trying through the room Sunny穿過房間the night is long why that we make love till dawn 長夜漫漫,何不做,愛直到清晨turn off the light that you can whisper my name 關上燈,請你輕呼我名字touch me again and again and again 撫摸我,一遍,一遍,再一遍kiss my lips put your arms around my hips 吻我唇,擁抱我的身體stay with me hold me comfort me touch me kiss me set me free 與我在一起,擁抱我,撫摸我,親吻我,讓我得到解放light my fire set me free and let us get higher 點燃我的愛火,讓我解放,讓我們更高,潮些。you can do whatever, hotter! harder! 請你隨心所欲,讓愛激烈些,再用力些light my fire hold me tight and keep me warm 點燃我的愛火,緊緊擁抱我,溫暖我on the stairs under restroom 在樓梯上,在更衣室tonight we are not alone 今夜我們不再寂寞light my fire~ 點燃我的愛火turn off the light that you can whisper my name 關上燈,請你輕呼我名字touch me again and again and again 撫摸我,一遍,一遍,再一遍kiss my lips put your arms around my hips 吻我唇,擁抱我stay with me hold me comfort me touch me kiss me set me free 與我在一起,擁抱我,撫摸我,親吻我,讓我得到解放light my fire set me free and let us get higher 點燃我的愛火,讓我解放,讓我們更高,潮些。you can do whatever, hotter! harder! 請你隨心所欲,讓愛激烈些,再用力些light my fire hold me tight and keep me warm 點燃我的愛火,緊緊擁抱我,溫暖我on the stairs under restroom 在樓梯上,在更衣室tonight we are not alone 今夜我們不再寂寞light my fire~ 點燃我的愛火擴充套件資料:歌手簡介:中文名:陳詩慧 外文名:Mizz Eva個人榮譽獎項:2010年度十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮 最佳作詞獎陳詩慧 (歌曲:義海豪情 主唱:古巨基)

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