  • 1 # 克莉絲汀


    Nowadays more and more schools and students focus on online education. Of course, online education is shaping up as the hottest issue. As we all know, everything has two sides. On the one hand,online education not only can save.

    1Learning in the Internet and the tradictional learning are the most common method in our daily study and life.

    2The two ways both have their advantage and disadvantage.

    3Learning in the Internet has the advantage that it bring.


    The outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia has made online courses the first choice nationwide and even the world , leaving students on and off . The online class breaks the limitation of time and space , realizes the shar.

    First, online-learning is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient and efficien.

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