  • 1 # 小皮球的飛飛

    1. look about [around]

    (1) 環顧四周。

    如:The man kept looking about. 這個人不停地環顧四周。(2) 隨便看,到處看。

    如:A:What can I do for you, madam? 夫人,想買什麼嗎?

    B:No, I’m just looking around. 不是,只是隨便看看。(3) 到處尋找。

    如:I’m looking about for a house. 我在找一座房子。

    (4) 仔細考慮。

    如:Look about carefully before making the decision. 先仔細考慮,然後再作決定。

    2. look after 照顧,照料,關心。

    如:I can look after myself. 我能照顧自己。

    Who is looking after the luggage? 誰在照看行李?

    3. look at

    (1) 看……,注視……。

    如:He looked at me and smiled. 他望著我笑了。

    Look at him jump [jumping]. 請看他跳。

    (2) 看待。如:That’s the way I look at it. 我就是那樣看待它的。

    (3) 考慮(多用於含有否定意義的句子)。

    如:They refused to look at my suggestion. 他們拒不考慮我的建議。

    (4) 檢查。如:He came to look at the drainage. 他是來檢查排水裝置的。

    4. look back

    (1) 回顧,回想。

    如:I still shudder when I look back on the past. 想起過去,我仍然不寒而慄。

    (2) 停滯,畏縮,倒退(通常用於否定句)。如:From this time on, he never looked back. 從此以後,他便不斷進步。

    5. look down on [upon] 看不起,瞧不起。

    如:You shouldn’t look down upon the poor. 你不應該瞧不起窮人。She likes tennis, but looks down on football.她喜歡網球,但輕視足球。

    6. look for

    (1) 尋找。

    如:I’ve looked for it everywhere. 我到處找過它了。我到處找過它了。You are looking for trouble. 你是在自找麻煩。。

    (2) 期待,指望。

    It’s too soon yet to look for results. 現在就指望有結果,未免為時過早。

    7. look forward to 期待,盼望。

    如:We’re looking forward to hearing from you. 我們盼望收到你的來信。The children are looking forward to your visit. 孩子們都盼望著你的到來。

    注:該結構中的to 是介詞,不是不定式符號,所以其後接動詞時要用動名詞,而不用動詞原形。

    8. look in (順便)來訪。

    如:Why don’t you look in (on) me next time you’re in town? 你下次進城來順便來串串門好嗎?

    I may look in at the party on my way home. 我回家時可能順便到聚會處去看看。

    9. look into 調查,研究,瞭解。

    如:We’ll look into that right away. 我們會馬上調查此事。The police are looking into the cause of the accident. 警方正調查事故原因。

    10. look like

    (1) 看起來象。

    如:He looks like your brother. 他看上去象你哥哥。

    What does he look like? 他長相如何?

    He looks like an honest man. 看來他象個老實人。

    (2) 好象要,似乎要。

    如:It looks like rain [raining]. 好象要下雨了。

    He looks like winning. 好象他要贏了。

    11. look on

    (1) 旁觀。

    如:No, I’m not playing; I’m just looking on. 不,我不打,我只是看看。

    (2) 看(待)(尤指帶有某種目光或情緒等)。如:She was looked on with distrust. 人家對她總是不信任。

    (3) 看作,當作(與as 連用)。

    如:He looks on me as his best friend. 他把我當作最好的朋友。We looked on this as useless. 我們認為這個東西毫無用處。12. look out

    (1) 向外看。

    如:Don’t look out of the window. 別往窗外看。

    He stood at the window and looked out (at the view). 他站在窗前向外望他站在窗前向外望)。

    (2) 注意,當心,小心。

    如:Look out. There’s a car coming!

    當心!汽車來了!If you don’t look out, you’ll hurt yourself. 你若不當心,你會受傷的。

    (3) 找出,挑選出。如:We looked out his address in, the telephone directory. 我們在電話簿裡查到了他的地址。

    13. look over 審閱,翻閱,打量,檢查。

    如:Would you mind looking over my exercises? 請你幫我看一下我的練習好嗎?

    He looked her over and nodded lightly. 他上下打量她,然後微微點了點頭。juinhbnnj

    14. look through 翻閱,瀏覽。

    如:Before the meeting he looked through the reports. 開會前他把報告看了一遍。

    Look through your notes before the examination. 考試前翻翻你的筆記。

    15. look to 注意,負責。

    如:Look to it that this doesn’t happen again. 注意不要讓這事再發生。

    16. look up (1) 查閱,查詢。

    如:(1) Look up this word in the dictionary. 這個詞查查詞典吧。

    (2) 看望,拜訪,找(人)。

    如:I want to look up an old friend. 我想去看一位朋友。

    (3) 好轉。

    如:Things are looking up. 情況在好轉。。

    17. look up to 尊敬。

    如:I look up to my parents. 我尊敬父母。

    He is good teacher. We’ve always look up to him. 他是位好老師,我們一向尊重他。

  • 2 # Y 。。Y

    1.look the other way.故意朝另一邊看

    The teacher just looks the other way whenever the children cause trouble.


    2.look into調查,觀察

    A working party has been set up to look into the problem.


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