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    Agree with somebody,/Agree on something,

    it takes somebody sometime to do something/,spend sometime in doing something.

    agree 英[əˈgri:] 美[əˈɡri]

    vt. 同意,贊同;

    vi. [語] 一致,符合; 商定,約定; 意見相合; (氣候、食物等) 適宜;

    vt. 同意,承認; 使和諧一致; 認為正確無誤;


    如果說“贊同某人”,可以用agree with sb.這個短語

    除此之外,consent to也表示“贊同”

    同意 [tóng yì]

    agree; consent; approve; agreement; say yes; see with:

    1、subject to the approval of the next higher level;需得到上一級的同意

    2、consent to your request;同意你的要求

    3、I cannot say yes to your view here.在這一點上我不同意你的看法。

    4、He consented to the proposal.他同意這項建議。

    5、Has he agreed with you?你的意見他同意了嗎?

    6、Those who agree to this plan please put up their hands.同意這個計劃的, 請舉手。

    7、She expressed agreement with the previous speaker.她表示同意前一位發言人的意見。

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